Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Story of Colors (Part 3)

Apparently, a girl bumped into Lyra and ran off, leaving her in a daze. However, the reason remains unknown of why the girl ran so fast.

Recovering from her daze Lyra rushes to join her mum with the shopping, in her mind still having a clear image of the girl. It was like something very exciting blooming from the inside of her. Continuing on with the shopping, Lyra was hoping to be able to meet the same girl again.

Back at home, Lyra couldn't stop thinking about the girl, wondering about chances meeting the girl again, thus leaving herself constantly staring blankly into spaces. Little did she know that things are soon going to get exciting and fun.


Finally, the summer holidays are over, and school reopens.
It is Monday morning, the sky had just broke through the darkness, leaving the sun shining brightly over the earth. Birds and creatures of the countryside are calling and making sounds of their own.

Lyra as usual, gets dressed and gets ready to leave for school. School, for her case is not of walking distance, hence, Lyra would take a public transport into town to attend school. As she walks down the path toward the station with other students from the countryside, a slight breeze was felt and someone dash past her. The feeling was exactly like how she felt during the trip to the market.
[The school Lyra attends allows casual dressing]

Getting to her senses, she quickly noticed that the person was the same girl she bumped into at the market. Gathering her feet, she raced after the girl where they finally arrived at the same destination, the station, tired and exhausted. Lyra shyly walks up to the girl.

Lyra: "Hi"
Girl: "Hi... *timidly*"
Lyra: "You were the same girl that bumped into me at the market the other day"
Girl: "Err... I can't remember"
Lyra: "It's ok. My name's Lyra, Lyra Kitahara, what's yours?"

(here I introduce the second character)
Name: Eri Kobayashi (小林 恵理)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Character Attributes: Always rushing, timid

(here onwards I shall use Eri instead of Girl)

Eri: "Name's Eri, Eri Kobayashi"
Lyra: "Nice name, where are you going?"
Eri: "To school"
Lyra: "That means were in the same school! *looking at Eri's attire*"
Eri: "Ya..."
Lyra: "I saw the school notice before the holidays that there will be a reassigning of classes based on our semester exam. How I wish I could be in the same class with you"
Eri: "You're nice, hopefully so. ne~" ("ne~" is a gesture to get the other person to agree to what have just been said)
Lyra: "Sou ne~, let's be friends!" ("*agrees*")
Eri: "Em..."

***The public transport arrives***

The two girls get on and along the way they talked and thus the start of a friendship blooms.


Would they end up being in the same class? Stay tuned for the upcoming Part 4. Place your comments of what you expect. Bye for now!

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